Friday 2 April 2010

Semiotics And Understanding Images

Semiotics And Understanding Images
Encoding And Decoding:

As producers we are expected to encode the text with ideologies and codes and conventions that are appropriate to our genre. As consumers, we have learnt to read (decode) these. In our text we are going to encode it with ideas of domestic abuse and violence. We are going to encode these ideas through camera angles, costume, narrative and body language. This supports McMahon And Quinns study in 1998. They think that texts are encoded by three different forms, these are; technical, symbolic and written.

We will think about using high camera angles when filming the victim and low camera angles when filming the abuser, this will make show the victims vulnerability and the abusers power over the victim. We will show a fist coming towards the victims face and then cut to a shot of her cowering and crying or maybe a blank black screen in between, this avoids any actual violence being seen. The music video will include both narrative and performing shots, like most most music videos do.

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